Friday, April 29, 2011

Palestinians invited to sign unity deal next week

GAZA, April 29 (Reuters) - Egypt has invited Palestinian leaders to Cairo next week for the signing of a unity agreement that would end a rivalry among ruling factions, Palestinian officials said on Friday.
The Egyptian-brokered deal, announced unexpectedly on Wednesday, calls for forming a new government acceptable to both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, which is dominant in the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip Hamas's rulers.
Israel denounced the agreement, saying Abbas could not be a peace partner if he mends ties with Hamas, an Islamist group with a charter calling for Israel's destruction.
Western powers received cooly news of the unity deal, saying it was an important step, but made clear they expect any new administration to accept international demands, which include the recognition of Israel and a renunciation of violence.[1]

hm! As we can see after revolution Egypt changed its politics in the Middle East region. That's a second step which couldn't be seen during Mubarak was in power. First one as i remember was the renewal of diplomatic negotiations with Iran. So, can it really be true that Egypt started to renew ties with 'bad guys'?! Oh, yes! It seems to be true...

"According to the Pew Research Center, 89% of Egyptians say a post-Mubarak government "should follow the values and principles of Islam." And 62% want laws to enforce Shariah — the barbaric legal code practiced in much of the Mideast.
This may come as quite a jolt to the romantics in the Western press who expected liberalism to flower from Tahrir Square. But we're not the least surprised.
Pew's poll — based on 1,000 face-to-face interviews with Egyptian adults in April — merely confirms a similar one last spring. As we noted during the riots, Pew found that 84% favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim faith; 82% support stoning adulterers; and 77% think thieves should have their hands cut off."[2]
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And, as for me, the main question is who will came to power in Egypt and, of course, what role Egypt will have in the Muslim world.

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